CH Simple Design is Matter

We’ve got a new facade. Now, what you see on the outside truly reflects what’s on the inside. And what you read is really how we think and speak. We are Matter.

Matter icon and name

Our new brand mark and name

As structural engineers, we’re focused on our clients and passionate about our work. Since the practice was founded in 2017, our brand was not something that we thought about very much. After all, the quality of our service speaks for itself, right?

Of course, it does. And this is seen in the many long-term clients and partners that we have. But we also realised that to team up with even more people who share our vision and our values, we need to reach and connect with them in the first place.

An instant connection

Previously, it wasn’t clear at first glance what makes us different from other structural engineers. We looked and sounded professional, but we didn’t stand out. Our individual approach only became obvious once you made the move to contact us.

We are curious, creative, caring, ethical

Our values

Now, you know who we are, how we think and what we do from the moment you land on our website or our newsletter arrives in your inbox. Before you even speak to us, you have a feeling that we’ll be a great fit. And that makes you want to reach out for a friendly chat in person.

Our approach in words

Beyond the visual change, this exercise also helped us to express our values, purpose and way of working. In turn, these ideas informed the change of name from CH Simple Design to Matter, which shifted the focus from our founder Christina to our team as a whole.

Brand icon in form of 'M' with form explained. Above: sun/nature (environment); below: structure (mankind).

The concept for Matter’s brand mark

We’ve been on a journey. It’s been a steep learning curve for us, but we’ve been guided through the whole process by the creative branding experts at The Playground. We hope you can feel the difference, too.

Find out more about us

The way we work puts emphasis on people and the planet, and partnerships and sustainability, to deliver better buildings that help build stronger communities with a brighter future.

If you think we could be a good fit for your project, simply get in touch with us and we’ll get right back to you.


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